NetOps For Your Network

We’re proud to be the market leader in Out of Band Management, knowing that our customers rely on us to ensure always on access to their network. As demands increase and new network requirements emerge, we’ve continually evolved our solutions to meet those needs, such as being the first to...

Failover to Cellular: Another example of customer-driven innovation at Opengear

The productivity loss due to Internet downtime in an enterprise or at remote sites can be staggering making a "failover" Internet connection a necessity for most businesses. A research study conducted by the Aberdeen Group estimated that the industry average cost of downtime was about $110,000 per hour in 2010...

Adaptability In Networking: A Conversation With Michael Wynston Of Fiserv

Based on an interview for the Living on the Edge Podcast You’re at the register, ready to pay. You swipe your payment card…and….you wait. You wait, because the POS system is authorizing the transaction. Well, if you’re Michael Wynston, you’re actually counting off the seconds in your head. Why? Because...

On the Road Again: InteropNet 2014

In late March, I once again traveled to Las Vegas to support the installation the temporary high-speed network that is InteropNet 2014. InteropNet provides high-speed network connectivity to the Interop attendees and exhibitors and supports the Expo floor, Conference sessions and wireless access. In 2014, Opengear continued its multi-year participation...

Edge Computing in Retail

For brick and mortar retailers, almost 90% of global retail sales occur in physical stores and because of this most of them are investing in computing power located closer to the buyer1. This is known as edge computing. Computing closer to the edge ensures that information processing, content collection, and...

The Network RQ Quiz

Test your RQ Find out how your network stacks up! TAKE THE QUIZ! Find out more about Network Resilience and Network RQ Building Network Resilience | White Paper It’s more important than ever to ensure your network’s availability. A key component of that is resilience. This paper explains the concepts...

Deploying To Remote Sites With Zero Touch Provisioning

Zero Touch Provisioning allows network administrators to automate repetitive tasks, reduce human touchpoints and minimize errors. For enterprises with any significant deployment, ZTP is scalable and allows engineering teams to streamline processes using automation, and leverage staff as effectively as possible. Traditional deployments are a very manual process. They are...

Research Commentary: Enabling Network Resilience During Global Uncertainty

[et_pb_section fb_built="1" _builder_version="4.16" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_row column_structure="2_3,1_3" _builder_version="4.16" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_column type="2_3" _builder_version="4.16" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.20.2" hover_enabled="0" global_colors_info="{}" sticky_enabled="0"] Today’s world is increasingly uncertain. This places an even greater need for networks, the backbone of an organization’s infrastructure, to be resilient from the first day deployments, worst day outages and every day in between. Businesses...