Slack-ing Off at Tech Field Day

At Tech Field Day Cisco Live, delegates saw a demo of Lighthouse 5, showing off the capabilities of Opengear's brand new Centralized Management software. Each of the delegates is an enthusiastic participant in the wider tech community, and several of them live-tweeted throughout the session, giving an instant view of...

Out-Of-Band Management Delivers Business Resilience

Network downtime is frustrating and very costly to millions of businesses all over the world. Recent network outages at the NYSE, United Airlines and the Wall Street Journal highlight opportunities where out-of-band systems might have helped mitigate the costs and frustrations of network downtime. Opengear developed this infographic to help...

LISA 2014 Experience

Large Install System Administrators (LISA) show is one of my favorite events and this year it was in one of my favorite cities, Seattle. Seattle is home to Microsoft, Starbucks, Amazon, Costco, Nordstrom, Outerwall, F5 and so many others. The 1,110 attendees were the most since 2007. They are smart and as diverse...

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ACM7000-L – Resilience Gateway

Opengear’s ACM7000-L Resilience Gateway with Smart Out-Of-Band Management ensures uptime at branches and remote sites with built-in cellular connectivity.

The Cost of Network Resilience

You may have noticed that we tend to bang on about the ROI of our solutions.  But it's not without good reason – when your alternative is a rude wake up call followed by a 3am drive to the data center, all while the downtime bill racks up and your customers...

Why SD-WAN Needs Smart Out-of-Band

SD-WAN is more than just a buzzword, it’s become the standard in enterprise deployments. Projected to reach $8 billion¹ in market value by 2021, organizations are understanding the benefits of this low cost, agile alternative to traditional branch routers. Being able to dynamically share network bandwidth by choosing the most...

Setting up a 4G LTE Failover Network

4G LTE Failover or Failover to Cellular (F2C) allows enterprises to efficiently change over to an always available connection when a disruption occurs on the primary, wired internet line. An outage scenario is inevitable. Those with distributed sites, like in the retail industry, are all too familiar with it. When...

T-shirts, Swords & Beer – Cisco Live 2014

Cisco Live 2014 (#CLUS), what an event! Opengear along with many other companies participated in this important annual event, Cisco’s premier education and training event for IT professionals. Attendance at the event exceeded 20,000. If you attended, or have ever attended Cisco Live, you understand that in addition to the...