Keeping the Network Running, All the Time
Network resilience is the ability to provide and maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of faults that challenge normal operations. More than just improving uptime or building in redundancy, network resilience adds a layer of intelligence to the backbone of an enterprise – the IT infrastructure.
In an independent survey of IT Leaders, 49% said that Network Resilience was their #1 Priority.
To ensure maximum uptime, enterprises need a comprehensive solution designed to provide the highest levels of business continuity through proactive monitoring and remediation.
Learn more about ensuring network resilience by reading our latest blog.

Redundant Isn’t Resilient
Redundancy is an important part of the puzzle, and the reliability of a data center relies heavily on back-up generators, on-hand replacement hardware and secondary network connections. But while redundancy is a part of the resilience solution, it is not the only consideration. In smaller locations and satellite offices, it’s not cost effective to build in redundancy. And with no technical staff on site, the ability to monitor, manage and remediate the IT infrastructure remotely is a significant addition to a resilient solution.
Smart Out-of-Band management allows the network engineering team to securely access critical devices from a central location, to anticipate and remediate issues without sending a tech to site.
Discover the networking issues that are keeping senior IT decision-makers awake at night. Read the independent research commissioned by Opengear.
The Network Resilience Platform
The Opengear Network Resilience Platform is based on the presence and proximity of a Smart OOB Console Server at every IT location, centrally orchestrated through the Lighthouse Software.
The Network Resilience Platform provides secure remote access to your critical network resources through a separate management plane, with the ability to automate processes, such as securely deploying and provisioning equipment, and to access Remote IP devices at any edge location.
This platform is the Network Engineer’s Network. Secure remote access, via physical hardware at each location, providing an always-available independent network open only to the core network team; to be used on Day One, for everyday management, and during production network events.
Opengear’s Smart Out-of-Band technology, plus the use of open architecture NetOps automation tools (Docker support, Python runtime environment), provides secure access to console ports while also creating a robust management plane.
Schedule a Demo to learn more about our Network Resilience Platform