Smart is Good. Resilient is Even Better!

Increase network resilience by managing your IT and communications infrastructure and maintaining business continuity anytime and anywhere. IT and communications infrastructure is fundamental to every organisation. With the explosion of the IoT, the need for smarter real-time decision-making, deeper data analysis, more robust data storage, always-on connectivity and network resilience...


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Network Resilience In Healthcare

LEARN MORE ABOUT OPENGEAR SOLUTIONS SEE HOW IT WORKS   DOWNLOAD OUR WHITE PAPER Embed Code <iframe src="" style="width: 100%; height: 1850px;" frameborder="0"></iframe> COPY EMBED CODE   DOWNLOAD AND PRINT

T-shirts, Swords & Beer – Cisco Live 2014

Cisco Live 2014 (#CLUS), what an event! Opengear along with many other companies participated in this important annual event, Cisco’s premier education and training event for IT professionals. Attendance at the event exceeded 20,000. If you attended, or have ever attended Cisco Live, you understand that in addition to the...

Opengear Research Shows Why Investment to Reduce Downtime Must Be Targeted

In a volatile world, it is more vital than ever that business networks remain resilient. With costs rising amid rumbling international political friction, proliferating cyber threats and continuing supply chain problems, organizations need digital infrastructure to be as dependable as possible. Businesses need to minimize outages to give themselves maximum...

Slack-ing Off at Tech Field Day

At Tech Field Day Cisco Live, delegates saw a demo of Lighthouse 5, showing off the capabilities of Opengear's brand new Centralized Management software. Each of the delegates is an enthusiastic participant in the wider tech community, and several of them live-tweeted throughout the session, giving an instant view of...

Out-Of-Band Management Delivers Business Resilience

Network downtime is frustrating and very costly to millions of businesses all over the world. Recent network outages at the NYSE, United Airlines and the Wall Street Journal highlight opportunities where out-of-band systems might have helped mitigate the costs and frustrations of network downtime. Opengear developed this infographic to help...

LISA 2014 Experience

Large Install System Administrators (LISA) show is one of my favorite events and this year it was in one of my favorite cities, Seattle. Seattle is home to Microsoft, Starbucks, Amazon, Costco, Nordstrom, Outerwall, F5 and so many others. The 1,110 attendees were the most since 2007. They are smart and as diverse...